Top 18 Ecommerce YouTube Channels: Ranked by Awesomeness

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Updated February 15, 2019
Video is a powerful tool for any business. It’s a great way to engage your audience with movement, visuals, and sound to tell your company’s story. More and more ecommerce companies are trying to incorporate video into their marketing strategy. A lot of ecommerce sites dabble in video, but don’t really know how to do it in a meaningful way. Here are 10 YouTube channels that get it right.  
Subscribers: 5,917,300
Why it’s awesome: Vat19 consistently pumps out hilarious videos that actually feature all of their quirky, fun products. It’s a rare combination of humor, relevance, and awesomeness. #FTW
Subscribers: 198,528
Why it’s awesome: ThinkGeek creates simple yet catchy videos demonstrating the usability of their quirky electronic products. They definitely have the “less is more” approach with their videos – they know how to keep their videos intriguing by letting their creative products speak for themselves.
Subscribers: 878,884
Why it’s awesome: What’s not awesome about destroying a brand new iPhone or your favorite action figure in a blender? It’s like every kid’s dream. These guys were one of the earliest ecommerce success stories from YouTube. Their YouTube success ultimately drove the success of their business.

Subscribers: 596,690
Why it’s awesome: Goldie Blox empowers little girls to build and create. They make videos that break all the stereotypes for the little ladies. If a girl wants to skip playing and create a Rube Goldberg machine instead, that’s perfectly okay! Girl power!

5. The Beard Brand
Subscribers: 1,116,070
Why it’s awesome: The Beard Brand goes after more of a niche audience. It’s all about the bearded lifestyle. Plus, beards are just awesome – especially during “no shave November.”
Subscribers: 55,604
Why it’s awesome: These guys take a more traditional approach. Their videos are useful, instructional videos about cycling and bike accessories. The videos are well done and very educational. They are awesome ’cause they know their stuff, and they’re not afraid to share it.
Subscribers: 128,132
Why it’s awesome: Linda’s Pantry is filled with how-to-make videos. For beginner to expert cooks, she breaks down step by step on how to make delicious and healthy dishes. This channel differs from the other channels as it provides you with a go-to service (FOR FREE!), instead of a product.

8. Orabrush
Subscribers: 173,414
Why it’s awesome: Their videos feature an obnoxious guy dressed up in at tongue costume as their mascot. What’s not to love about that? Using video, they created a whole new product category of product: tongue brushes–which Orabrush owns.

Subscribers: 39,018,454
Why it’s awesome: Dude Perfect videos do a great job of showing off their products as well as fun, crazy things that they do. Having a focus on both entertainment and business is what really helps them succeed on their YouTube channel.

10. Purple

Subscribers: 170,947

Why it’s awesome: Who knew you could turn a boring product into something so funny. Instead of highlighting the same old boring features of what makes their mattress better than competitors they found a way to create a voice for their brand through humor.

11. Walmart
Subscribers: 382,231
Why it’s awesome: With Walmart wide range of a target audience, they create videos about everything. From makeup tutorials, tips on how to save money, toy reviews from children, and the list could go on and on. They’ve done a great job of creating content for all of their shoppers.

12. Party City
Subscribers: 300,511
Why it’s awesome: Who doesn’t want to throw the best party ever? Party City does a great job of giving tips and tricks on how to throw the best party. Whether it is Marvel-themed or all about pink they’ve got you covered.

13. Dove US
Subscribers: 136,527
Why it’s awesome: If you’ve seen any of Dove’s work you know that they are all about empowering women. They focus on real people and their stories to show their audience that they truly care about them. They also provide beauty tips from experts to help us fight those insecurities.

14. GoPro
Subscribers: 6,667,524
Why it’s awesome: GoPro reward user-generated content by featuring their customers who have the best videos. This encourages people to use their product and share with the world. Plus they encourage us to get out and be adventurous.

15. Evian
Subscribers: 225,271
Why it’s awesome: Evian has done a great job of featuring ways they are helping the planet with recycling but also showing a side of humor with their viral “Baby & Me” video.

16. ModCloth
Subscribers: 12,359
Why it’s awesome: ModCloth was able to succeed through brand ambassadors via YouTube. From turning customers into brand ambassadors they were able to share real opinions on their products. Now their channel consists of styling tips, DIY, and interviews with stars.

17. REI
Subscribers: 140,913
Why it’s awesome: REI’s channel is the place to go if you are needing any tips or trick for the outdoor space. They cover ideas like what to eat before a run, 4 ways to set up a tarp, or dutch oven recipes. REI does a great job of match their brand that we all know and love.

18. Fabletics
Subscribers: 36,779
Why it’s awesome: Fabletics does a great job of publishing a mix of different types of videos. They have a variety of short features, testimonials, and longer work out videos. They are able to appeal to those at every part of the sales funnel from those research working out clothing to those who are already working out in Fabletics.
What are your favorite e-commerce YouTube channels? Or do you know any secrets in driving YouTube followers to your channel? Share your ideas in the comments below.


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