How to Set Up Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

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Nowadays it seems that no matter what people are doing, ads are being thrown at them left and right. As a businessperson, you know ads are important. You need ads to get your business name out there or to market a new product or upcoming sale. Unfortunately, many consumers don’t like ads. They ignore them. Some desktop and mobile users even go as far as blocking ads.
But as you and I both know, as consumers and businesspeople, ads are needed, and for the foreseeable future, ads aren’t going anywhere. Instead of trying to get more ads placed for your business, though, you need to be creating more targeted and relevant ads. You need Facebook dynamic product ads.

What are Facebook dynamic product ads?

Example of Facebook Dynamic Ads
These not so new dynamic product ads (although maybe new to you) are personalized, targeted Facebook ads that show one or more of your relevant products to people who have visited your website. They’re product ads that consumers actually want to see because they’re based on individual consumer’s behavior and buying information. They’re also based on the product catalog you create (which we’ll discuss later).
Facebook can serve one of your product ads after a consumer views one of your products on your website or after they add a product to their shopping cart but don’t purchase. These ads can also be used once a customer has purchased a product to upsell them or have them buy a relatable product. Facebook dynamic product ads can be used at every stage of the sales funnel.
These ads don’t just make your ad campaign more personal, they’re a time and money saver. Rather than manually creating different ads for all your different products, Facebook dynamic product ads automate a lot of the process for you, while also increasing your advertising ROI, click through rates, conversions and revenue. Shutterfly experienced more than a 20% increase in click through rates, while Target reported a 20% conversions increase when using these Facebook ads.

How do you set up dynamic product ads?

Don’t you want those kinds of results? Of course, you do! And you can have them (or better), if you know how to correctly set up Facebook dynamic ads for eCommerce.
Before you can start running Facebook dynamic ads, you’ll need the following:

  • Facebook business page
  • Business Manager account
  • Facebook pixel installed on your website
  • Product catalog.

Below I show you how to get these and the steps necessary for setting up Facebook dynamic product ads.

Step 1: Set up a Business Manager account.

You need a personal Facebook account, to confirm your identity and a business page before you can sign up for a free Business Manager account. And sign up is pretty simple:

Afterward, you’ll be redirected to your Business Manager account, and then you can start adding your assets, such as your pages, ad accounts and who can work on these.

Step 2: Add the Facebook pixel to your website.

Before Facebook can effectively know which of your products to serve to different audiences, you need to add the Facebook pixel to your website. This nifty tool tracks when products from your product catalog are purchased, added to a shopping cart or viewed.
To find and generate your pixel, go to your Business Manager account, click “Business Manager” on the screen’s top-left corner and choose “Pixels,” which is located in the drop-down menu under “Measure & Report”.
How to find Facebook Pixel in Business Manager
Next, click “Create a Pixel” to create and name your pixel, and then click “Create”.
Creating Facebook Pixel
If you run your eCommerce business via Shopify, all you have to do is copy your pixel ID and paste it into the “Facebook Pixel” section on your Shopify Admin under “Settings” and “Online Store”. But if you don’t use Shopify, you (or your website developer) will need to manually set up and add standard events to your Facebook pixel code for each product page of your website.
For step-by-step instructions, or if you run into any issues while creating your pixel, visit the Facebook Pixel Helper page.

Step 3: Create and upload your product catalog.

Now it’s time to create and upload your product catalog. Your product catalog is a data file containing and listing every product you want used in your Facebook dynamic product ads.
Again, go to your Business Manager account, click “Business Manager” in the top-left corner and then click on “Catalogs” that’s listed under the “Assets” header.
Access Product Catalog in Facebook Business Manager
Next, click on “Create Catalog,” choose the catalog type and click “Next”. Select your business from the drop-down menu, name your product catalog and click “Create”.
Creating Product Catalog in Facebook Business Manager
Once your catalog is created, it’s time to add in your product feed, or a spreadsheet listing all your desired products and details about each one, such as the product ID, name, link, product description, product category, etc. Facebook accepted feed formats include CSV, TSV, RSS XML and ATOM XML. Be sure to use one of these formats and add all the fields Facebook requires. Your product feed then needs to be stored in the cloud, in Google Drive or Dropbox, or hosted using FTP.
Once you’ve done that, you can add and name your product feed into your product catalog. You can either choose “Single Upload” or “Schedule Recurring Upload”. With the latter, you can add a product feed, choose it to update daily or weekly and then give Facebook your feed’s URL so it knows where to go to get your product information to update. A single upload means your product feed is static and you’ll have to manually update it. After doing that, your product catalog is ready to go.

Step 4: Set up your first dynamic product ad.

To create a dynamic product ad, you have to go to Facebook’s Ads Manager. From there, you’ll need to select “Create” and choose “Catalog Sales” as your campaign objective.
Creating dynamic product ads in Facebook
Setting up Facebook Dynamic Ads
Next, you’ll need to choose the catalog you’re creating dynamic ads for. Name your ad campaign—be sure to use descriptive ad campaign titles—and then click “Continue”.
Then, name your ad set and choose the targeting options you’d like, such as location, audience, budget, etc.
With your ad set, you can filter the products you want featured, also called your product set. Product sets are filtered by availability, brand, category, product type and price. These filters will automatically organize your different products in accordance with how you organized your product catalog. You can create product sets in the Catalogs section of Business Manager.
Next, move on to the “Audience” section and choose which audience you wish to target. If there is a specific audience from your website you would like to target, you can use the Audiences tool in Business Manager to create a custom audience based on pixel data.

Afterward, it’s time to move onto the “Ads” tab and use an ad you’ve created in your ad set or create a new one. Remember when designing your ads to customize each one using dynamic product names as the headline, product descriptions as the ad description, and a message that feels personal as the text. There is also an option to include a price overlay on the image that you should definitely test.
Example of Facebook Dynamic Product Ads
Once your ad is created and customized, and your Facebook pixel is set up to track conversions, you’re ready to run your first ad.
Facebook dynamic product ads are one of the latest and greatest ways to effectively get your products in front of the right consumers, at the right time, in a more personalized way.


Anthony Christie is the paid media strategiest at Stryde. He is responsible for working with our clients on strategy and overseeing the execution of high performing campaigns.

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