Don't Need A Mobile Strategy? Think Again!

this graphic yesterday while putting together a newsletter for one of our awesome clients and felt it needed to be posted on our blog. As I talk to prospects and clients, I hear on a regular basis, “I don’t need a mobile strategy, my target audience doesn’t use mobile devices to find what we offer”. I’m not going to lie, I’m guilty of playing into this as well, but it’s not true. Case in point: my dad is in his late 50’s, is an electrician, has a Kindle Fire and is getting his first smart phone in the next few weeks. I guarantee he will be sitting in his truck ordering electrical boxes and wire on his phone by the end of the year. It’s just too easy! The problem is, two of the sites that he would probably order from (or at least look product up) are awful when it comes to ease of use on a mobile device. See for yourself… and I don’t care who you are, what you do, or who your target audience is, it is going to be critical for all businesses to have a mobile strategy in 2014 or you’re competitors will eat your lunch. Here are some points in the graphic that really stood out to me:

  • Mobile internet usage will overtake desktop internet usage (that’s scary)
  • 81% of U.S. cell phone users will have a smartphone by the end of 2014
  • 75% of mobile users use their mobile device for shopping
  • 53% of American consumers use their smartphone to access the search engines as least once per day
  • 52% of all local searches are performed on a mobile device
  • 71% of mobile users expect web pages to load almost as quickly or faster than web pages on their desktop
  • 74% of consumers will wait no longer than 5 seconds for a web page to load on their mobile device before going elsewhere
If those seven points are not enough to get the ball moving, I don’t know what will. I hope you enjoy the rest of the graphic and if you need help with a mobile strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out. mobile usage infographic]]>

Greg is the founder and CEO of Stryde and a seasoned digital marketer who has worked with thousands of businesses, large and small, to generate more revenue via online marketing strategy and execution. Greg has written hundreds of blog posts as well as spoken at many events about online marketing strategy. You can follow Greg on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.

One Response

  1. Hi Greg,
    Very nice Infographic, yes we definitely need a mobile strategy! Google also recommends to optimize websites for mobile users! btw, commenting this from mobile as i’m travelling!

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